
Saturday, 4 August 2012

Kombinasi Key Untuk Recovery OS Pada Laptop(Guna Recovery Partition)

Kebanyakan Notebook/Netbook seperti Acer, Asus, Compaq, Dell, Lenovo, Sony, Toshiba dan lain-lain jenama lagi mengunakan kombinasi papan kekunci tertentu untuk memulakan Recovery Factory Setting daripada Recovery Partition.

Berikut adalah tombol-tombol yang biasa digunakan untuk mengakses Recovery Partition di laptop :

Acer - Tekan Alt+F10 (Catatan : Pilihan D2D pada BIOS harus di enable)
Asus - Tekan F9
BenQ - Tekan Alt+F10
Compaq & HP - Tekan F11 atau tekan Esc bila pilihan menu keluar, pilih recovery partition tekan F11
Dell - Tekan F8 atau Ctrl+F11
eMachine - Tekan F11
Gateway - Tekan F11

Lenovo - Tekan F11 atau 'One Key Recovery' --->
*Shutdown laptop
*Tekan 'One Key Recovery' seperti dalam bulatan kuning dan laptop akan boot dan masuk ke Recovery Factory.

Sony - Tekan Alt+F10
Toshiba - Tekan F8 atau '0'

Cara nak check Recovery Partition ADA atau TIADA
- Pergi windows start button, pilih Control Panel-Administrative Tools-Computer Management-Storage.
- Dekat storage cuba lihat ada atau tiada recovery partition. Tapi kalau korang beli freeDOS punya memang  confirm tiada. Kena cari DVD/USB windows installer la :).


Sunday, 20 May 2012

Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition - Installation Error

Sometimes, after you do something to the drive you need to refresh the partition windows for the drive to be re-read. There may still be something in the system stopping the process, I just don't have a lot of experience with laptops. But when you format the drive, you are just setting up one partition for Windows 7?

While you are on the partition window, you might try hitting Shift+F10 to get a command window. Then type Diskpart and when it starts, type:

list disk

select disk 0 <-- this assumes you only have one drive

detail disk

You should now see the partitions set up and the type of drive on the far right. If it says GPT, let us know. The partitions should be set as you expect, and if not you might want to go ahead and clean (see below) the drive or try again. Cleaning the drive will remove all data and partitions make sure you are looking at the correct drive...

If you are sure you have removed all the prior partitions and have nothing left to save, you can clean the drive by typing:


When you are finished with Diskpart type Exit, Exit to get back to the partitions page. Refresh the window and try again.

Monday, 23 April 2012

The file is too large for the destination file system – Windows 7 usb error

While trying to copy my 6+ GB data to a 8GB usb flash drive in my microsoft windows seven installation i received an error:

          | The file is too large for the destination file system

Quite amazed at first that why am i getting this too large for the destination file system error, as the usb was completely blank!

However here’s how i fixed the issue (btw, this also works for external hard disk drives as well as usb flash drives).

Fix “Too large for the destination file system” usb error
1. I checked the file system of the usb getting the “too large for the destination file  
    system error” and it was FAT32 (you can skip this step though) 
2. Go to My Computer
3. Right Click usb drive and click format
4. Choose NTFS and click on quick format check box and click format to start the format 
5. Try copying the file again and holla! it's working now!

Please note, all the data inside the flash drive will be deleted once you format it. So backup any important data if you have any in it.

Hopefully you won’t get the file is too large for the destination file system error while copying file on your usb flash drive on windows operating system!

Monday, 16 April 2012

Tutorial Reset Printer Canon MP198 (E27 / Absorber Full)

Langkah-langkah mereset Printer Canon MP198 :
1. Printer dalam keadaan mati dan kabel elektrik disambungkan.
2. Tekan Butang STOP / RESET dan tahan, kemudian tekan butang POWER dan tahan.
3. Butang POWER masih ditekan, lepas butang STOP / RESET, kemudian tekan butang
    STOP / RESET 2x dalam keadaan butang power masih ditekan.
4. Lepas kedua-dua butang secara serentak.
5. Printer akan berproses beberapa saat (agak lama), kemudian LCD Panel akan
    menunjukkan angka '0'.
6. Komputer akan mengesan DEVICE BARU, abaikan saja...
7. Keadaan ini menunjukkan printer MP198 dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE dan sedia
    untuk direset.

1. Run Resetter Canon MP198
2. Set location Set: ASA (Asia Pacific) depends on your location
3. Put paper in paper feeder Set Clear Waste Ink Choose : Main&Plater 
4. Test Print Click Cleaning1 Button
5. Clear Waste ink Click Main Button 
6. if theres no longer activity in the printer press Stop/Reset Button. It will print waste ink status (D=000.0 Ps=000.0)
7. Click Platen Button. It will print waste ink status (D=000.1 Ps=000.0)
8. Turn off and ON printer
9. Enjoy! Printer waste ink absorber counter was succesfully reset. 

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Cara mereset password Mac OS X tanpa disk

Jika Anda baru saja membeli sebuah MacBook dari penjualan garasi atau mewarisi satu dari anggota keluarga dan menyedari bahawa mereka tidak memberikan password admin, atau Anda lupa, ini adalah cara bagaimana untuk Anda me-reset password tanpa menggunakan disk.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Error Code For Printer Canon MP258

 The machine is out of paper / Paper does not feed

Paper Output Tray is closed / Paper jam

E04 / E05

The FINE Cartridge cannot be recognized


FINE Cartridge is not installed in the correct position


Ink absorber is almost full

Kod Penyelenggaraan Untuk Printer Canon

Berikut Adalah Senarai Kod Penyelenggaraan Untuk Printer Canon.

Cartridge MP258 dan ip2770 E05 atau not recognize

Masalah catridge tak detect/recognize atau e05 kerap berlaku pada printer MP258 bila di pasang ex-tank. Cara nak atasi masalah ni adalah dengan melapik kertas macam gambar di bawah.

Tutorial Reset Printer Canon MP258 (P07 / Absorber Full)

Sering kali kerja mencetak dokumen terbantut kerana alat pencetak (printer) menghadapi masalah. Salah satu masalah yang sering dialami pengguna printer iaitu biasa disebut ngeblink. Untuk printer Canon MP258 biasanya akan munculnya mesej error P07 (Absober Ink Full).

P07 adalah error yang disebabkan limit print dari head sudah mencapai 2000 keping. Cara mengatasi error tersebut dengan cara direset. Syaratnya kita harus punya software resetternya.

Langkah-langkah mereset Printer Canon MP258 :
1. Printer dalam keadaan mati dan kabel elektrik disambungkan.
2. Tekan Butang STOP / RESET dan tahan, kemudian tekan butang POWER dan tahan.
3. Butang POWER masih ditekan, lepas butang STOP / RESET, kemudian tekan butang STOP / RESET 2 x dalam keadaan butang power masih ditekan.
4. Lepas kedua-dua butang secara serentak.
5. Printer akan berproses beberapa saat (agak lama), kemudian LCD Panel akan menunjukkan angka

6. Komputer akan mengesan DEVICE BARU, Abaikan saja .....
7. Keadaan ini menunjukkan printer MP258 dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE dan sedia untuk direset.

Kemudian anda download software reseternya DI SINI
1. Exctract File Resetter MP258.
2. Siapkan 2 kertas di printer (ini untuk print pada waktu proses reset)
3. Jalankan program Resetter MP258


Sunday, 22 January 2012

Selamat Datang

Ini adalah blog pertama saya...masih lagi dalam pembinaan...harap pembaca boleh memberi saya cadangan, idea & ilmu untuk meningkatkan lagi mutu blog saya dan menambahbaikkan lagi blog saya.